
Waking Up In Jannah…

Dreams are short. Few fleeting moments and you wake up. Just like Life itself. You go through the ups and downs of life, joys and trials, smiles and tears – lots of surprisingly unprecedented moments – yet they never stay for too long. Life happens. Seasons of good and bad come and go; each leaving its trace in your life. Nothing is constant. You go through trials after trials, difficulties after difficulties, and are never exactly sure when they will end, when you will wake up from this bad dream.

The famous verse that many quote where the Lord of the heavens and the earth says:

“For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” (Qur’an 94:5)

“Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” (Qur’an 94:6)

The scholars of Tafseer elaborate on these two successive verses; that the believer experiences two types of ease. One is granted in this life, in the form of the difficulty being removed, accompanied by peace and tranquillity. And then there is the other Relief. With a capital R. This is the Eternal Relief.  Let me explain it as a dream.

You dream about a stranger chasing you in an unfamiliar creepy forest. You are running as fast as you can, trying to avoid the various obstacles that come your way. Sometimes you falter, sometimes you fall, yet you always get up and run. Until comes a time, when you are hungry, exhausted, no longer having the energy anymore. You can no longer save yourself. Here comes the relief. You look back and cannot find this evil being chasing you. You have outrun it. You finally take a deep breath, and think it’s over. You are home. Surely, this must be the ultimate ease you are craving for, isn’t? To be home. Think again.

The REAL ease is when you wake up from this dream. When you are not in the dream world anymore. When you are no longer in the world that you have no control over. Waking up from this nightmare IS the ultimate ease. What you really needed. Now, consider this life as the dream. Where working hard, striving for your very best as a human being and as an excellent Muslim is a challenge. This is the hardship. But what is the ease? What is the reward for all these trials that you are going through?

Waking up in Jannah.

Waking up from this brief existence to eternal life. You are at the Doors of Paradise, and it is just like you have woken up from a dream. A dream that was once called ‘life’. Few years. Brief.  The great, copious, abundant amount of ease in the eternal life is what is really real. This is the reward.

Waking up in Jannah.

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