Be With Yourself

To feel safe in a relationship, to feel secure in a marriage, to feel comfortable with our spouse, we need to feel safe within ourselves FIRST. We need to feel comfortable with ourselves first. To enjoy our own company and feel revitalised within ourselves first.

Pick a book with a cup of tea and give time to yourself. Pick a hobby you enjoy, be it as simple as walking and find peace and tranquillity in the quiet steps you take when you go for a walk. Look around the trees and the flowers and reflect upon it all.

By taking those quiet moments, in a busy life, taking care of kids and home and work, all at once, you take this chance to find your energy. Revel in it. Cherish it. Look forward to being by yourself for a little while, just with your thoughts and reflections. To allow your mind to roam freely and your emotions to experience their intensity.

The happier you are with your own company, the more you can give to your spouse.The safer and self satisfied you are with yourself, the happier he will be.

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